Easter cooking

9 Tarif

Fun and creative, these recipes are perfect to keep any budding chefs entertained over the bank holiday Easter weekend.

Cake Pops

Cake Pops


Pizza Pinwheels

Pizza Pinwheels

1sa 30 dk

Banana Pancake Bites

Banana Pancake Bites

45 dk

Almond Easter Sheep

Almond Easter Sheep

2sa 45 dk

Marshmallow Milk

Marshmallow Milk

10 dk

Chocolate Easter Nests

Chocolate Easter Nests

50 dk

Welsh 'Rabbits'

Welsh 'Rabbits'

20 dk

Easter Carrot Cheese Dip

Easter Carrot Cheese Dip

15 dk

Pesto Baked Eggs

Pesto Baked Eggs

1sa 15 dk